The Mythic Context


“If one can feel oneself as a member of the [Triratna Buddhist Community] working out that myth, that will give one a much truer idea of what is actually happening or what one is actually involved in.  It has to emerge as different people start becoming aware that the Movement is more than it appears to be.  And that will only happen when they start becoming aware that they are more than they appear to be.” Sangharakshita

An opportunity to delve into the depths of beauty, receptivity, and myth, bringing alive a new way of looking at the world, ourselves, and the significance of the Order.

For those who have been on at least one longer retreat at Tiratanaloka


The deposit for our retreats is non-refundable and non-transferable under all circumstances.


Single Room Availability: 
Sorry, but there are no single rooms available on this retreat now
For those who have been on at least 1 other retreat with us
Friday, July 26, 2024 to Friday, August 9, 2024
Selected Price: 

This retreat is now fully booked. Please contact us to be added to the waiting list.

Please note: If you have already booked on this retreat with a deposit you can make a balance payment using the options above.