
Create New Lift Offer/Request

Create Lift

If you have booked on a Tiratanaloka retreat you can use this page to offer or request a lift. Not only does this help reduce transport costs, lower carbon emissions and free up our car park, it's also a great way to spend time with another retreatant!

Lifts Offered/Requested

Natascha Trolle

Lift Type: request

Event: Transcendental Principle (Starts: Fri 6 Sep 2024)

Hi I am Danish and I am going from Tiratanaloka to Brighton when the retreat has ended on Friday 20.9. Any chance of a lift close to that area or it could also be to London
Summer windy greetings Natascha (004540940065) ( I am best at whatsapp or messenger)

Date Posted: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 16:40

Isobel Wilkie

Lift Type: request

Event: Transcendental Principle (Starts: Fri 6 Sep 2024)

Hi there. My train gets into Abergavennay at 4.14pm on 6th Sept (for the TP retreat.)
Would love to share a taxi to TRL with folks.
Isobel Wilkie

Date Posted: Tuesday, July 16, 2024 - 09:53

Agata & Olga

Lift Type: request

Event: Deeper Harmony (Starts: Fri 9 Aug 2024)


It's two of us, and we want to share a taxi to Tiratanaloka. We will be in Abergavenny on August 9th at around 2 p.m. It would be perfect to have a taxi when we arrive but also it would be ok for us to wait for a later hour taxi. Anyone looking for sharing a taxi?

With metta,
Agata & Olga

Date Posted: Saturday, July 13, 2024 - 10:01

Effie O' Connor

Lift Type: request

Event: Ethics to Insight (Starts: Sun 6 Oct 2024)

Please would anyone be able to offer a lift from Manchester/Salford can travel. I am from Manchester Sangha. I would be happy to pay towards the petrol costs and it would be lovely travelling alongside others.
Much Aprecciated
Effie xx

My contact number 07460928772

Date Posted: Monday, July 1, 2024 - 03:55

Agata & Olga

Lift Type: request

Event: Deeper Harmony (Starts: Fri 9 Aug 2024)

Hi, it's two of us and we have flights to and from London Luton. Is anyone from London looking for people to share a car trip with? We will be happy to get closer to the centre from the airport if it would be easier. And of course we can contribute to the travel costs London-Tiratanaloka and return.

With metta from sunny Warsaw,
Agata & Olga

Date Posted: Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 10:45

Sian Podmore

Lift Type: request

Event: Deeper Harmony (Starts: Fri 9 Aug 2024)

I'm in Sheffield, but can travel to neighbouring towns (Leeds/Nottingham etc.) or M1 motorway services to meet anyone able to give me a lift. Very happy to share travel costs.
Failing that, a lift from Abergavenny railway station would be much appreciated.

Date Posted: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 - 16:04

Sarah Child

Lift Type: request

Event: Ethics to Insight (Starts: Sun 6 Oct 2024)

Hi, This request for a lift to the October Ethics to Insight Retreat, comes with assurance that I shall share the cost of petrol. Also I am happy to travel to your location the day before, and stay in a B and B. I live in West Sussex.

Date Posted: Monday, March 4, 2024 - 10:56

Sarah Child

Lift Type: request

Event: Ethics to Insight (Starts: Sun 6 Oct 2024)

I am travelling from Worthing, west Sussex, but am happy to travel to where you set off from, if London, or elsewhere. If there is a distance, I might get to you the day before, staying in a b and b.

Date Posted: Sunday, January 28, 2024 - 12:18