The Bodhisattva Path

“Serving the Dharma always means serving other people, for there is no Dharma apart from people...the Dharma is inherently compassionate. ” (Subhuti)

How do we bring an altruistic aspect to our Going for Refuge? What is the truth behind becoming less selfish? On this retreat we’ll look at the path of the Bodhisattva and its relevance to us as members and future members of the Order.


The Mythic Context

“The psyche in its wholeness consists of both the conscious and the unconscious. The unconscious, non-rational part of us is by far the larger part of our total nature, and its importance is far greater than we generally care to recognise.”

On this retreat we’ll create together a meditative space in which we can engage with that imaginative element and our own path towards it. This will be supported by the Going for Refuge and Prostration Practice.


The Six Guidelines

This is a good introductory retreat for women who have recently asked for ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order, but also great material for anyone to explore. We’ll be studying papers written by members of the Tiratanaloka team, which give a particular framework within which we can look at our progress to ordination and beyond.

This retreat will be held at Adhisthana. Please book via their website.

The System of Practice

“What you do at work, what you do in your home, whether you live on your own, with a family, or in a community. Whatever the situation, where are these five aspects in play?” (Subhuti).

We will be exploring Sangharakshita’s exposition of the five aspects of the spiritual life: integration, positive emotion, spiritual death, spiritual rebirth and spiritual receptivity and how they apply to our life and practice.


The System of Practice

“What you do at work, what you do in your home, whether you live on your own, with a family, or in a community. Whatever the situation, where are these five aspects in play?” (Subhuti).

We will be exploring Sangharakshita’s exposition of the five aspects of the spiritual life: integration, positive emotion, spiritual death, spiritual rebirth and spiritual receptivity and how they apply to our life and practice.


Ethics to Insight

“What prevents many of us from confessing and from being more open generally is the feeling that if other people knew us as we were, then they would no longer accept us.”

We will explore the relationship between our actions, our speech and our minds, and what it means for us to take on the ten precepts at ordination. We also will experience the practice of confession and how that helps us unfold to our greater potential.


Ethics to Insight

“What prevents many of us from confessing and from being more open generally is the feeling that if other people knew us as we were, then they would no longer accept us.”

We will explore the relationship between our actions, our speech and our minds, and what it means for us to take on the ten precepts at ordination. We also will experience the practice of confession and how that helps us unfold to our greater potential.

This retreat will be bilingual, offering a group for women who only speak German.


What Is The Order?

“The duty of my disciples is to adhere faithfully to the teaching they have received from me [Sangharakshita], to practice faithfully in accordance with that, and to do their best to hand it faithfully on to others.”

Do we see the Order as a practice in itself or as a support for our own individual practice? What does it mean to be a free association of individuals? We’ll be examining kalyana mitrata and the significance of the private and public ordinations in order to find our own answers.


What Is The Order?

“The duty of my disciples is to adhere faithfully to the teaching they have received from me [Sangharakshita], to practice faithfully in accordance with that, and to do their best to hand it faithfully on to others.”

Do we see the Order as a practice in itself or as a support for our own individual practice? What does it mean to be a free association of individuals? We’ll be examining kalyana mitrata and the significance of the private and public ordinations in order to find our own answers.
