Order retreat for dharmacharinis (OR20) - cancelled

A retreat for dharmacharinis who are supporting others towards ordination - whether as preceptors, mitra convenors, kula members or friends. A chance to deepen our understanding of how we can be more effective in these areas, supported by the team at Tiratanaloka. We will also have a chance to share ideas and experiences around this significant aspect of our Order lives.


Thinking of asking for ordination? Weekend retreat (W20) Cancelled

If you're thinking of asking for ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order, come and spend a weekend at Tiratanaloka where you can meet some of the Tiratanaloka ordination team and explore what stepping on to this path might mean for you.

Please note that the booking system will ask you to tick a box confirming you have asked for ordination - please tick it even though you haven't!


The System of Practice (SY20) - retreat cancelled

“It seems to me that we can regard the whole Spiritual Path as consisting of five great Stages” (Sangharakshita: Seminar on Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland)
“The spiritual life is a question not so much of goodness or piety as of skill” (Sangharakshita: Living with Kindness)

On this retreat we’ll look at the five aspects of Sangharakshita’s system of spiritual life - integration, positive emotion, spiritual death, spiritual rebirth and receptivity - and see how they describe a mandala of interconnected experience that we can deepen into more and more.


The Six Guidelines (at Adhisthana) - retreat cancelled

A retreat that’s particularly suitable for those who have recently requested ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order, and is also relevant to those with more experience.  We’ll be studying talks given by members of the team at Tiratanaloka covering aspects of practice that give a particular framework for looking at progress to ordination and beyond.  
This retreat will be held at Adhisthana so please book directly with them at https://adhisthana.org.

The Transcendental Principle (E120) - retreat cancelled

“The Buddha…embodied the sublime potential that can be activated in the human mind when it is turned resolutely towards the positive.  The method of this transformation…is based on the truth of conditionality, the principle of cause and effect that underlies every aspect of the Buddhist approach to human growth and development” (Sangharakshita: Living with Kindness)

On this retreat we study together Chapter 1 of ‘A Survey of Buddhism’ - Sangharakshita’s wide-ranging, dynamic and sometimes challenging elucidation of conditionality, the essence of the Buddha’s teaching. 


Ethics to Insight (H120)

“to contemplate the principle of egolessness as some special principle that is somehow separate from our actual behaviour will leave it as far away as ever” (Sangharakshita: Living with Kindness)

On this retreat we’ll use The Ten Pillars of Buddhism as a basis for studying the potentially transformative ethical principles that unite the Triratna Buddhist Order, and how we can use confession to deepen our understanding and practice of them.


A Deeper Harmony *new theme* (DH20)

“Do I ever feel disappointed by anything?  There is one thing that sometimes pains me and it’s when I hear of disharmony in the sangha.  It disturbs and disappoints me.  We need to do everything we can to promote harmony.  Not just external agreement, but when we have deep feeling and appreciation for one another. (Sangharakshita:  Growing the Spiritual Community)


What Is The Order? (WO120)

“In the spiritual community, the rigid application of rules is replaced by something far more subtle:  a living network of friendship and communication centred on the highest shared ideals”

What does it mean for each of us to join the Order as spiritual community – is it a support, a practice in itself or something altogether different?    We’ll be examining the nature of kalyana mitrata and the significance of the private and public ordinations in order to find our own answers.
