Yoga for Meditation Long-Weekend

A fundraiser for Tiratanaloka Unlimited; open to Mitras and Friends

Yoga integrates body and mind, restoring our energies for life, health and our highest purposes. This long-weekend retreat gives space for a range of yoga poses and styles, and time to feel the fruits of that in meditation, as well as experiencing communal living and receiving Dharma input.

Subhadramati, from Tiratanaloka, will lead the meditations and provide Dharma input. Yoga will be taught by Ruth and Tara from the London Buddhist Centre Yoga Team.

Spaces are limited to just 20 so that you can be guided through your practice by experienced teachers in a supportive environment. 


You don’t need to be training for ordination to come on this retreat. It is for any woman+ consistently deepening their Dharma practice with Triratna, who regularly meditates, and who has prior retreat experience. Yoga instruction will cater for those just starting out with yoga as well as for those with and established practice.

This retreat is a fundraiser for Tiratanaloka Unlimited!

Open to all women
Friday, November 3, 2023 to Monday, November 6, 2023
Selected Price: 