Regional Order Weekend

A chance for local dharmacharinis to practise together. 

Nourishing our Inner Navigators

The weekend will be led by Satyalila, Dayagita and friends and we’re going to explore the question of  ‘How do we nourish our inner navigators?’  The image/theme idea is that we all have inner navigators who help us to find our way through (spiritual) life…. These navigators dwell in our ‘inner ecosystem’ - so how do we each tend that inner ecosystem to ensure they get nourished?  And also, how do we learn to listen to them?!  We’ll have an introduction to the theme on Saturday morning from Satyalila and plenty of time together to explore and share our own experience and responses to these questions. 

Suggested Donation: 

This weekend is on a dana basis but we are suggesting; £125/£100/£75.  Please feel free to pay more or less than this!

Order members only
Friday, September 29, 2023 to Sunday, October 1, 2023