Regional Order Weekend

We are looking forward to meeting in person as a region.

Amitabha and the Colour of Love

Amitabha can be associated with this time of year when leaves turn red and the 'season of mists and mellow fruitfulness' is on us.   Amitabha offers everything we need - can we open to that much love?  Our wants will never be satisfied, but our longings can be met in the warm sunset realm of Amitabha.

Come along with as much red as you've got  (clothes, offerings, lippy, nail varnish...) - and don't forget to bring your hungry ghost!

Shraddhalocani, Moksanandi and Satyalila will facilitate the October ROWE, 

Suggested Donation: 

This weekend is on a dana basis but we are suggesting; £100/£75/£60.  Please feel free to pay more or less than this!

Friday, October 1, 2021 to Sunday, October 3, 2021
Suggested Donation: 

Suggested donation £100

Enter the amount you wish to donate for this event below.